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Forest management plan

Overview for the right action at the right time

The forestry plan is an excellent tool and basis for taking the right measures at the right time. The plan provides an overview of the property. It is easier to plan and prioritize the management of the forest with the help of a forestry plan. It reveals both the economic and ecological values of the property.

A forest management plan contains

  • Description of the forest in words and figures based on measurements and assessments.
  • Description of all stands and proposals for measures
  • Map of the entire property divided into each stand
  • Summary of the entire property
  • Data on the timber stock
  • Marking of areas registered with the Swedish Forestry Agency or other authorities
  • Information on registered ancient and cultural remains

We provide contacts to plan manufacturers. If you want a green certification-adapted forest management plan, we can arrange that too. Contact a timber buyer near you.

For thinning, final felling and other forest management measures, we only use PEFC-certified contractors. For us, it is important to take into account both the local environment and to leave as little footprint for future generations as possible.