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Wood products

We provide the world with quality timber

For over 100 years, we have bought quality timber from our local area and processed the timber in our sawmill a stone’s throw from the Vasaloppet start in Transtrand. Today we offer everything from sawn timber and wood components to windows.

  • Sawn products
    Our sawmill is one of Sweden's most modern private sawmills.
  • Components
    For over 20 years we have been working with pine boards and components for the furniture industry.
  • Windows
    Window production of wooden windows and doors.

Want help with your forest?

We help you with everything that has to do with your forest. Our forestry department has solid expertise, long experience and established local knowledge in Värmland, Dalarna, Härjedalen and Hälsingland.

Step by step

This is how one of Sweden's most modern sawmills works.