Clearing your forest
Clearance for better economy in thinning and felling
Clearing can be compared to thinning in carrot land. Some individuals are removed in order to invest in others, which then become large and vigorous more quickly. Growth is distributed over fewer and larger stems, which can be harvested earlier. Clearing in seedling and young forest thus provides better economy in both thinning and regeneration felling. When clearing, you can influence the direction of management by favoring certain tree species.
Forests that are not cleared produce many small stems. Since a small trunk (small volume) is harvested at about the same time as a large trunk (large volume), the harvesting/thinning becomes more expensive per cubic meter in an uncleared stand. In addition, harvesting is postponed and the entire rotation period is extended. The risk of damage is reduced in a cleared forest because larger trunks counteract both storm felling and snowfall.
Dense plantations should generally be cleared twice, once at a height of about 1 meter and a second time at a height of 3-5 meters. The number of stems to be saved depends on how fertile the soil is. When clearing, you also affect the future natural values of the stand and provide conditions for biodiversity. Leave impediments, edges, borders and other areas with high nature values uncleared. Save future conservation trees such as aspen, willow, rowan, alder and juniper. Take the opportunity to clear paths, pathways and cultural remains.