Our vision
A growing, sustainable community builder with satisfied customers at every stage.

A journey towards a sustainable future

Environment and social values
Fiskarhedens Trävaru AB and Fiskarhedens Komponenter AB are certified according to PEFC and FSC®. Fiskarheden takes responsibility for the entire chain by being traceability certified. This means that the raw material comes from certified forests or is controlled wood, ie wood that does not come from controversial sources according to FSC Controlled Wood or PEFC Controlled Sources.
Certificates and downloads Fiskarheden Trävaru AB
PEFC Skogsbruk (pdf): 1701153
PEFC Spårbarhet (pdf): ICSE-PEFC-COC-1700274
PEFC Trademark Licence Code: PEFC/05-32-60
FSC® Spårbarhet (pdf): SCS-COC-000708
FSC® Trademark Licence Code: FSC-CO15713
FSC® Controlled Wood: SCS-CW-000708
Environmental Product Declaration (pdf)
Specific for sawn timber made of spruce or pine.
Certificates and downloads Fiskarhedens Komponenter AB
PEFC Spårbarhet (pdf): ICSE-PEFC–COC-0145639
FSC® Traceability: SAI-COC-010915
Fiskarhedens Trävaru AB har högsta kreditvärdighet (AAA)
Audit report 2022 (pdf)

Contact person for certification